Monday, February 17, 2020

Some broad generalizations about Seattle

- Seattle drivers are terrible on the freeway.
- People in Seattle do not j-walk.
- Seattleites are polite and conflict averse.
- Everyone owns a flannel.
- Everyone owns chacos or similarly rated heavy duty sandals.
- Everyone drives a Subaru.
- Climbing is popular in Seattle.
- Everyone in Seattle hates Amazon, but everyone also works at Amazon.
- Seattleites love waiting in line for no reason.
- There are more dogs than children in Seattle.
- It is acceptable/expected to be 30-60 minutes late in Seattle.
- There are lots of Asian people in Seattle.
- Seattle public transportation is slow.
- It rains a lot in Seattle.
- Seattlelites love hiking, camping & spending time outdoors.
- Everyone is a liberal.

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I'm not sure where to start or if this will add anything that hasn't already been said. Listen Please listen to these voices that...