Sunday, August 19, 2018

Practice Doesn't Make Perfect

I started playing violin when I was 5. The Suzuki method starts ‘em young. One thing about learning an instrument as a child that is often overlooked is the actual learning, the practice. How the heck does a 5-year-old kid practice and actually get better? Suzuki’s answer is pretty simple: the parents are along for the ride. A parent is expected to be present at every lesson & a parent is expected to work with the child during daily practice sessions.

My mom practiced with me until I was in 10 or 11. When the time came and I was mature enough (ha ha) to practice on my own, I more or less knew what to do. Mom still sat in on lessons to take notes though, and she constantly reminded me that practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Practice something the wrong way 10,000 times and congrats, you’re a master at creating bad habits.

My response when I heard this as a young teenager: “Sure mom, yeah mom.” Like I was going to practice today anyway.
8 years later and I hear Kevin start talking about the importance of focused throwing, and something clicks.

1 comment:

  1. There's a sign in Bienen that says: Perfect Practice makes Perfect


Listen / Use your voice

I'm not sure where to start or if this will add anything that hasn't already been said. Listen Please listen to these voices that...