Monday, September 10, 2018

Don't Spike the Disc

I scored my first goal for Ghost Train at CBR on a nice continue after a deep shot. It was a break in a tight game, so I spiked the disc over my head. The next point on the sideline, one of the captains took me aside. “Hey, great job out there, way to go. But don’t spike the disc though. That’s not us.” I quickly apologized and agreed to omit the spikes in the future. I love Ghost Train and I don’t mind if spiking isn’t part of their culture.

But what in the world is wrong with spiking the disc?

I see nothing wrong with spiking the disc. A spike is an explosion of joy & passion. A spike allows a player to add their own personal flare to the point.

Julia: I wish there was more spiking in women’s college! One time I spiked the disc after a huge break at Pres Day and someone from the other team was like, “Ummm, hey that’s disrespectful…”

Spiking the disc isn’t disrespectful. Spiking the disc on someone is disrespectful. I’d wager that less than 5% of spikes are meant to actively antagonize the opposing team or player.

Ducky: Spiking is just lame, scoring is not that big a deal so chill out.

This is a better argument. During my brief period of time as a wide receiver, our coaches drilled in that celebrating in the endzone wasn’t acceptable because it wasn’t classy. “Score like you’ve been there before.”

My policy on spiking: Spike the disc when you’re excited. Probably shouldn’t be spiking in a game that’s not close. Casual spikes are great.

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