Thursday, May 3, 2018

NU Quarter by Quarter

Freshman Year
2014 Fall
·      EA1 – Really liked this class. Had prior experience with programming and linear algebra so I got a lot out of it
·      Math 230 – Differential Multivariable Calculus. Didn’t go to class because the professor was reading the textbook to us. Exams were pretty hard
·      DTC 1 – We had to make a hands-on training simulation for nurses to practice inserting PICCs into neonates. Our final prototype was jello with fake skin on top.
·      EECS 111 – Intro to Programming 1 (Racket). Not very hard. Sara Sood’s first time teaching at NU
·      Went to Glory Days with NUT and had a really good time. Jay was flying all over the place and I wanted to be like him. I was totally convinced that Ed was a god and when he went down with an ankle injury I was absolutely crushed
·      Kind of wanted to be in a frat. Went to Sigma Chi events until I stopped getting invited. Was pretty shy and timid at Sunday night dinners

2015 Winter
·      Econ 201 – Intro to Macroeconomics. This class sucked, should have dropped it. Didn’t learn anything
·      EECS 203 – Intro to Computer Engineering. Met and became friends with Yannick. Prof Wu would occasionally laugh at us when we asked questions in lecture. Good class, learned a lot
·      EECS 211 – Intro to Programming 2 (C++). Not very hard. Sara Sood’s second time teaching at NU
·      EA2 –  I hated this shit so much
·      Didn’t rush. Got FOMO real bad when people dropped their bids, I could hear the cheering from my room in CCI.
·      Bought into ultimate. The conditioning was easy compared to track/swimming in high school. Threw up a lot after parties
·      Bonded a lot with Kristen at Dance Marathon. We shared a lot of mutual energy and kept each other going in the hard parts
·      Bolt played at Chicago Invite Plan B with 8 guys. This is one of the only tournaments my parents have ever attended. They arrived on Saturday for our last game against BYU (A) at the precise moment when I cramped in my calves, hammies, and quads at the exact same time in both legs. We did not get bageled

2015 Spring
·      History 275-2 – History of Western Science and Medicine. In retrospect this is one of the coolest classes I’ve taken. Very interesting lens for history, lectures were pretty good.
·      EECS 214 – Data Structures and Algorithms. Very fun. Ian’s a great prof. I still use this stuff every day
·      EA3 – I did not learn very much in this class. We enjoyed antagonizing the professor. Kristen and Andrew bailed me out on a lot of the assignments
·      DTC 2 – Our project was to design a fucking oil rail car that would mitigate explosions in the case of shear puncture. The majority of our time was spent trying to understand graduate level material science
·      Started going out with Kristen. It was one of her first relationships and things were weird starting out, we weren’t always on the same page
·      Developmental sectionals with Bolt was so fun. We played really well
·      Became social chair in CCI and did absolutely nothing

2015 Summer
·      Worked at Philmont. Had to arrive late so my position was TBD. Ended up being a Program Counselor at French Henry. This summer was incredible & very humbling. A kid died one night in a flash flood and I listened to the entire thing on the radio.
·      Kristen was in Spain and I didn’t have any cell service or Wi-Fi most of the time, so we emailed each other when we had the chance. I thought about her a lot

Sophomore Year
2015 Fall
·      EECS 212 – Mathematical Foundations for CS. This was a hard class. I enjoyed writing the proofs but struggled in exam settings. Got to grind it out with Julia which was fun
·      IEMS 201 – Intro to Statistics. Dumb, stupid class. Andrew and I did all the work for the video labs
·      Physics 135-2 – Electricity and Magnetism. Awful. I’m not good at physics and the labs were excruciating
·      EECS 213 – Intro to Systems. One of the best classes for CS majors at NU. Very well organized, and jam packed with stuff that’s important to know as a software dev. This was the first time I felt like I understood how computers actually work
·      I really wanted to make the A team and I stressed about it daily. I asked Julia every 212 lecture if Spielman had said anything about me. Huge relief when the roster came out
·      Things started to heat up with Kristen. We started saying the L word

2016 Winter
·      Physics 135-3 – Waves and Relativity. Equally as awful as 135-2. David Taylor is truly a soulless man. Labs were slightly less excruciating
·      EECS 202 – Intro to Electrical Engineering. I didn’t learn much in this class, but it was bearable
·      EECS 205 – Assembly Language Programming. So fun, Russ is an OG. Ripped off the Kanye Zone game for my final project
·      Warm Up with NUT was awful. We played so poorly and morale was very low. I wasn’t playing much so usually I tried to contribute with my voice/energy on the sideline. I felt like I was helplessly screaming into a void. This was one of the only times I haven’t enjoyed myself while playing ultimate
·      First time dropping to 3 classes. A great way to do winter quarter
·      Fucked up pretty bad at formal. I left Kristen with a bunch of strangers which really upset her. This was the beginning of the end for us
·      Planning CCI Formal was very stressful. Could have been better if I had delegated work better instead of doing everything myself. Developed a strong hatred for SOFO. I think people enjoyed the event though.

2016 Spring
·      EECS 336 – Design & Analysis of Algorithms. The most difficult & time intensive class I have taken at NU. Me and Wyatt really bonded this quarter. We spent 15-20 hours working every week. The TA Madhav Suresh was quite good & really made the effort worthwhile. I started drinking coffee because my proofs were better when I was caffeinated & haven’t looked back since
·      EECS 348 – Intro to Artificial Intelligence. Way too easy. Didn’t learn much because most of the assignments were already done for us
·      EECS 349 – Intro to Machine Learning. Poorly organized, Prof. Downey is possibly the dullest person on the planet. Fell asleep a lot in lecture
·      Soc 110 – Intro to Sociology. Fun, easy class. Lots of freshmen. Me and Patrick took it together
·      Kristen and I broke up, it was entirely my fault. I was very upset for a good amount of time
·      NUT tournaments: Bama Secs Beach Party, Huck Finn. We never played very well and our culture was not great. I didn’t feel like I was getting better or contributing to the team much. EDIT: I should clarify that I loved this team & everyone on it. I wasn't satisfied with my role on the team at the time & thought we had the potential to perform at a level greater than what I was seeing.
·      Uncle Joe got me an IT job at Hagerty. I’m blessed to have people/opportunities like this in my life

2016 Summer
·      Worked at Hagerty in their IT software development office. They were horribly understaffed and had way more on their hands than they could handle. About 5 people out of 30 knew what was going on and the rest were clueless. This is when I started to realize that very few people in CS really know anything and anyone who seems knowledgeable was once incompetent
·      Played summer league in Traverse City and threw most days. Lifted a lot as well. I was in very good shape
·      I was very lonely this summer. I was shy and didn’t make friends with the other interns until mid-August. Spent a lot of time by myself and got comfortable just doing things alone.

Junior Year
2016 Fall
·      EECS 335 – Theory of Computation. After taking Algo this class was fun & not very difficult. Prof. De is a great professor – if you ask a question he will stop his lecture and make very sure that you understand the material before moving on
·      EECS 325 – Artificial Intelligence Programming. The lectures had nothing to do with the assignments. I got pretty deep into Lisp programming and obsessed over receiving positive feedback from Prof. Riesbeck.
·      GEN_CMN 102 – Public Speaking. I do not enjoy giving speeches, so this class was good for me I suppose.
·      EECS 395 – Game Development Studio part 1. This class was interesting, but I didn’t get much out of it. It mostly amounted to a drawn out tutorial for Unity
·      Moved in with Patrick, Jay, and Devon at 1008 Garnett. I really like this apartment and my roommates, it’s been a defining feature of junior & senior year
·      I was pretty concerned with getting an internship and was upset when I didn’t hear back from most places. I wasn’t really sure what I needed to do in order to set myself apart. Wyatt was really helpful with interview prep and boosting my confidence

2017 Winter
·      EECS 352 – Machine Perception of Music & Audio. This class sat perfectly at the intersection of music and computer science. Every lecture was cool as shit and Prof. Pardo is quite funny. I regret not getting to know him in a greater capacity. Julia seems to have really enjoyed it
·      EECS 330 – Human Computer Interaction. Stupid, dumb, silly. Working with CSS gives me migraines. Not a complete waste of time but holy cow did I get frustrated working on this stuff
·      EECS 395 – Game Development Studio part 2. Super fun, very engaging. Prof. Zubek had a strange obsession with pooping in The Sims. Wyatt, Scott and I worked together on a puzzle game, it turned out alright. I think that it lacked a little inspiration and was definitely still rough around the edges at the end. But it was a lot of fun to make
·      I went through Amazon’s recruitment process late January/early February. I had sent in a cold application though their portal in October so I was pleasantly surprised to hear back from them. I figured I’d just fail the first round. Once I got a phone interview I started getting really excited and nervous. I knew that Scott had gone through the same process weeks before and gotten an offer, so I was hopeful that my outcome was the same. Wyatt was such a good friend though this whole process
·      NUT balled out at Warm Up. After we beat A&M for 3rd I looked at Kyle and was like “we made it dude.” I thought we were gonna earn a bid. Things did not go as planned obviously, still loved these tournaments though

2017 Spring
·      EECS 339 – Intro to Databases. Pretty dry, but useful I suppose. Lena, Morgan, Julia and I have a running theory that Prof. Duggan is in fact a robot which is controlled by the dog, Teddy. The dog is sentient and highly intelligent but struggles to relate to humans, so he has created Jennie (Duggan) to be his mouthpiece. This is why she writes in a scrawl which is barely readable in locations which are close to her waist. Also explains why she speaks in a monotone and struggles to understand human emotion
·      EECS 395 – Computational Learning Theory. Samir and I took this class because we like Prof De, who assured us that even though we didn’t have much of a mathematical background compared to the rest of the class, we would be OK. He was wrong
·      Pysch 314 – Intro to Buddhist Psychology. A bunch of us took this together, notably Patrick who complained about it nonstop. I quite enjoyed it
·      Spring break was a ball this year, so many friends
·      NUT postseason: We won sectionals easily & then got 5th at Regionals, injuries hurt us a lot. This team was so much fun & I think there was a lot of anxiety going into 2017-2018 that NUT wouldn’t be fun/good/whatever next year with all the seniors leaving. I tried to explicitly respond to this feeling when I ran for captain

2017 Summer
·      Seattle summers are dope! Usually kinda rainy in the morning and then beautiful, sunny, afternoons and long evenings spent playing ultimate
·      I generally tried to avoid telling people that I was an Amazon intern. We drove up everyone’s rent, clogged the bus lines, and all had the same stupid black backpacks.
·      This was such a contrast to working at Hagerty. My team was knowledgeable, helpful, and kind (usually). The code base made sense & my project was dope. I felt energized at work and rarely useless. This was a great internship and I think I am one of the luckiest people in the world
·      Low level club ultimate is a very strange experience and not super fun. David and Roy kept me sane. I hope to make a better roster when I return in the future. Roy will be there to grind with me in the offseason

Senior Year
2017 Fall
·      Chinese 111 – Intro to Mandarin. I took this Pass/Fail which was a mistake. Somehow I passed after handing in a mostly blank final exam. (It is near impossible to make up Chinese characters)
·      EECS 343 – Operating Systems. My only 8AM in 4 years of college and it was exactly what I expected. I was sincerely interested in the course material but for the life of me I could not stay awake for the full hour and 20 minutes. I like to imagine I would have done much better if the lecture were at 10
·      EECS 394 – Agile Software Development. This would have been a much better class if I was a younger & less jaded student. EC2 Spot Fleet used agile workflow without all the bullshit, so this class did not expose me to anything new or eye opening
·      NUT fall was a blur. There is a lot going on & I have a tendency to over-manage. Yngve is a captain’s dream come true

2018 Winter
·      EECS 397 – Intro to Digital Forensics. My senioritis really got me in this one. Theo & friends carried/saved me on the final project
·      EECS 340 – Intro to Networking. Pretty hard, somewhat fulfilling. I sort of understand how the internet works now.
·      MechE 333 – I don’t even know what the official title of this class is but it’s dope. 10/10 would recommend to any CS person looking to get down and dirty with some hands-on PID control projects
·      After going 0-6 against good teams at MLC, NUT goes 1-5 against mostly good teams at Queen City. We had just committed to the toughest schedule in NUT history and I mentally prepared myself to endure a season of L’s. It would be worth it for the development of the young roster. Like Yngve says, we don’t care about results. I hate losing though
·      Then Warm Up. What a tournament. I am re-energized and ready to take on the rest of the season, no matter the ending.
·      I lost a lot of sleep while planning spring break. The entire trip on the whole was less fun than previous years. Being in charge sucks sometimes

2018 Spring
·      No classes. Walking dogs for cash. Jay and I have stacked an IM ultimate squad and we are going to win the championship. Life is good.

Listen / Use your voice

I'm not sure where to start or if this will add anything that hasn't already been said. Listen Please listen to these voices that...